


职称职务:教授 办公房间:求是楼232 办公电话:62513833 电子邮箱:chinajms@126.com 所属教研室:人力资源管理






1991–1994   北京师范大学心理学系学习,哲学博士

1986–1987   北京师范大学心理学系 研究生课程班

1978–1982   山东工业大学第二机械工程系 工学士


2015-至今,VNS威尼斯(中国)集团有限公司 教授

2009-2015 集团理集团 副经理,教授

2007-2008 佛罗里达大学商集团 富布莱特访问学者

2000-2007 VNS威尼斯(中国)集团有限公司 副教授,教授

1999-2000 加拿大麦克马斯特大学商集团 中加访问学者

1994 -1999 VNS威尼斯(中国)集团有限公司 副教授


1. Xing*, L., Sun, J-M, Jepsen, D., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Supervisor Negative Feedback and Employee Motivation to Learn: An Attribution Perspective.  Human   Relati  o  ns , (online). DOI: 10.1177/00187267211038514. (Correspondence author)

2. Xing*, L., Sun, J-M, & Jepsen, D. (2021). Feeling shame in the workplace: Examining negative feedback as an antecedent and performance and well-being as consequences.  Journ  al of Organizational Behavior  (Online). DOI:10.1002/jb.2553. (Correspondence author)

3. Huang, L-C., Liu, Y., Cheung, G. W., & Sun, J-M (2021). A Multilevel Study of Group Affective Tone and Team Innovation: A Moderated Mediation Model.  Group & Organization Management , (Online). DOI: 10.1177/10596011211029411

4. Li*, P., Sun, J-M., & Taris, T. W. (2021): Differentiating between gift giving and bribing in China: a guanxi perspective,  Ethics & Behavior  (Online), DOI: 10.1080/10508422.2021.1896363

5. Sanders, K., Kraimer, M. L., Greco, L., Morgeson, F.P., Budhwar, P. S., Sun, J-M., Shipton, H. & Sang, X. (2020). Why academics attend conferences? An extended career self-management framework,  Human Resource Management Review.  (Online) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2020.100793

6. Li*, P., Sun, J-M., Taris, T. W., & Xing, L.(2020). Country Differences in the Relationship Between Leadership and Employee Engagement: A Meta-Analysis.  The   Leadership Quarterly  (Online). (Correspondence author).

7. Biron, M., De Cieri, H., Fulmer, I., Lin, C-H, Mayrhofer, W., Nyfoudi, M., Sanders, K., Shipton, H. & Sun, J-M. (2020). Structuring for innovative responses to human resource challenges: A skunk works approach.  Human Resource Management Review , 32(2),1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2020.100768

8. Wilkinson, A., Sun, J-M., Mowbray, P. K.(2020). Employee voice in the Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources .  58(4), 471-484.

9. Zhang*, Y., Sun, J-M., Lin, C-H., & Ren, H. (2020). Linking Core Self-Evaluation to Creativity: the Roles of Knowledge Sharing and Work Meaningfulness.  Journal of Business and Psychology  .35:257-270.  doi.org/10.1007/s10869-018-9609-y. (Correspondence author)

10. Han, J., Sun, J-M., & Wang*, H. (2020). The negative effect of high performance work systems: Why and when.  Human Resource Management Review . (Online). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2019.100699. (Correspondence author)

11. Jack, R., Huang, Y., Sun, J-M., & Guo, F. (2019). Internationalisation of Chinese banks and financial institutions and its implications for IHRM.  The International Journal of Human Resource Management , 30(14), 2121-2136. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2019.1598037

12. Yang, M. X., Li, J., Yu, I. Y., Zeng, K. J., Sun, J-M. (2019). Environmentally sustainable or economically sustainable? The effect of Chinese manufacturing firms’ corporate sustainable strategy on their green performances.  Business Strategy and the Environment . 1-9. DOI: 10.1002/bse.2296. Correspondence author

13. Wang, J. & Sun, J-M. (2018). Talent development in China: Current practices and challenges ahead.  Advances in Developing Human Resources . 20(4), 389-409.


14. Lin, C-H., Sanders, K., Sun, J-M, Shipton, H. & Choi, E. (2018). HRM and Innovation: The Mediating Role of Market-Sensing Capability and the Moderating Role of National Power Distance.  International Journal of Human Resource Management.   1-26

DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2018.1474938

15. Lin*, C-H. & Sun, J-M. (2018). Chinese employee’s leadership preferences and the relationship with power distance orientation and core self-evaluation.  Frontiers of Business Research in China , 12(1), 1-22. doi.org/10.1186/s11782-018-0027-9. Correspondence author.

16. Mao*, C., Chang, C.-H., Johnson, R. E., & Sun, J-M. (2019). Incivility and Employee Performance, Citizenship, and Counterproductive Behaviors: Implications of the Social Context.  Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,   24(2), 213-227 .


17. Li, Y., Tse, C-H., & Sun, J-M. (2018). Other-race categorisation advantage in a binary- vs. ternary-response race categorization task . Journal of Cognitive Psychology , 30(2), 242-256, DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2017.1414822  

18. Sun, J-M., Hu, P., & Ng, S. H. (2017). Impact of English on education reforms in China.  Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development , 38(3), 192-205.


19. Lu*, X. & Sun, J-M. (2017). Multiple pathways linking leader-member exchange to work effort.  Journal of Managerial Psychology , 32(4), 270-283.


20. Li*, Y. & Fu, F., Sun, J-M. & Yang, B. (2016). Leader–member exchange differentiation and team creativity: An investigation of nonlinearity.  Human Relations. 69(5),1121-1138

21. Lin*, C-H, Sanders, K., Sun, J-M., Shipton, H., Mooi, E. (2016). From customer-oriented strategy to organizational financial performance: The role of human resource management and customer-linking capability.  British Journal of Management.  27(1), 21-37. doi:10.1111/1467-8551.12142

22. Eskin, M., Sun, J-M., Abuidhail, J. Yoshimasu, K. Kujan,J., et al (2016) : Suicidal Behavior and Psychological Distress in University Students: A 12-nation Study,  Archives of Suicide Research,  DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2015.1054055

23. Li*, Y., & Sun, J.-M. (2015). Traditional Chinese leadership and employee voice behavior: A cross-level examination.  Leadership Quarterly . 26(2),172-189.


24. Liu*, X-Y., Hartel, C., & Sun, J-M. (2014). The Workgroup emotional climate scale: Theoretical development, empirical validation and relationship with workgroup effectiveness.  Group & Organization Management  . 39(6), 626-663.


25. Jiang*, J. Y., Law, K. S., & Sun, J-M. (2014). Leader–Member relationship and burnout: The moderating role of leader integrity.  Management and Organization Review , 10(2), 223–247. DOI:10.1111/more.12022

26. Jepsen, D. M., Sun, J-M, Budhwar, P. S., Klehe, U-C., Krausert, A., et al (2014). International academic careers: Personal reflections.  International Journal of Human Resource Management , 25(10), 1309-1326. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2013.870307

27. Cheng, B. S., Boer, D., Chou, L-F, Huang, H-M., Sun, J-M., Lin, T-T., Chou, W-J., Tsai, C-Y. (2014). Paternalistic leadership in four East Asian societies: Generalizability and cultural differences of the triad model.  Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology , 45(1), 82-90. Doi: 10.1177/0022022113490070

28. Aycan, Z., Schyns, B., Sun, J-M., Felfe, J., Saher, N. (2013). Convergence and divergence of paternalistic leadership: A cross-cultural investigation of Prototypes.  Journal of International Business Studies , 44, 962–969.


29. Zhou*, W., Sun, J-M., Guan, Y. (2013). Criteria of career success among Chinese employees.  Journal of Career Assessment , 21(2), 265-277.


30. Miao*, R., Sun, J-M., Hou, X., Li, T. (2012). Job satisfaction: Linking perceived organizational support, organizational justice with work outcomes in China.  Frontiers of Business Research in China , 6(2), 169-200.

31. Xing, C., & Sun, J-M. (2012): The role of psychological resilience and positive affect in risky decision-making,  International Journal of Psychology , 6, 1-9.

32. Hu, J., Wang*, Z. Liden, B. C., Sun, J-M. (2012). The influence of leader core self-evaluation on follower reports of transformational leadership.  Leadership Quarterly , 23, 860-868. DOI:10.1016/j.leaqua.2012.05.004

33. Rode, J. C., Judge, T. A., Sun, J-M. (2012). Incremental validity of core self-evaluations in the presence of other self-concept traits: An investigation of applied psychology criteria in the United States and China.  Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies , 19(3), 326-340. DOI: 10.1177/1548051812442964

34. Zhao, H., Wu, J., Sun, J-M., Chen, W. (2012). Organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese society: A reexamination.  International Journal of Human Resource Management , 23(19), 4145-4165.


2018.1-2018.8 奥克兰, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 讲课,群体与个体的行为差异

2013.3-2013.5, 悉尼,University of New South Wales, 讲课,人力资源管理差异研究

2007.8-2008.8, 美国佛罗里达大学,访问学者。核心自我评价的跨文化效度

1999.8-2000.9, 加拿大麦克马斯特大学,访问学者,管理者的绩效结构





(3)Human Resource Management Journal 副主编(2020-2022)

(4)Human Resource Development Quarterly 副主编(2022-2024)



(7)中国劳动与社会保障研究院 特约研究员(2020-2023)


2021.6 集团国际暑期学期荣誉教师奖

2020.8 美国管理学会(AOM)人力资源分会Dave.Ulrich影响力奖


2019.4 美国工业与组织心理学会科学家-实践者主席认可奖

2013.9 北京市优秀博士论文指导教师奖

2013.6 集团优秀博士论文指导教师奖

2009.9 教育部国家级教学成果二等奖


2005.5 北京市优秀教学成果二等奖